Horoscope : GENERAL
The astral configurations of this year 2013 will enable you to crown your launched efforts last year, in the relational field. This will have effects in many circumstances. Indeed, the impulses of Uranus in aspect to your sector, escorted Mars and Sun will notably facilitate your exchanges and their clearness. New choices become possible and those are turned spontaneously in the direction of evolutions which bring you closer to your objectives. And in spite of the agitation which at certain times will be intense, your personal road is seen facilitated by your entourage and its influence. Mercury comes to flux your practical steps, you will have more space to live with a big L !
Certain professional concern arrives in the long term, this year. Indeed, here that solution arrives thanks to outside assistances, proposals, etc…. You begin the year with a beautiful note of jupiterian optimism, which brings a promising relational chance to you. You will collect the fruits in November of them, for the hour, this is the moment to launch useful preparations. Your colleagues leave you more freedom of action that these three last years, peace settles and leaves you more freedom to devote itself to individual work.
That with the excess can lead you to too cutting you others and their opinions and supports, which will be able to pass for the ingratitude. It is up to you to keep a minimum of opening and especially of flexibility… You do not be the only one with being in truth !
The stability of your emotional ties will be the one of your absolute priorities, this year. Indeed, the aspects of Saturn with Neptune beats full sound and wake up in your fears which will cause defense reactions in a constructive direction in your attitude with the Other. The effects Uranus in aspect to your Sun will support your efforts in the direction of a denser expression in love. Moreover, the changes you set up start to bear their fruits. The general climate is tender at the beginning of year. Your loves tint increased tenderness, you will have more resources to reinforce your agreement, the harmony settles, without you losing the intensity in love which holds you with heart.
Will be able to reason your requirements if you are alone, the meetings claim efforts in this direction, it is necessary to round the angles, not to appear harder than you are it actually. Your spontaneous reactions will be rich in emotions. But for your partner, you do not astonish if he considers them too whole and if you are taxed with susceptibility! If you are single, you will meet events very records, there are projecting meetings in prospect. The love at first sight is not a myth… You will not play shy person well a long time. These new departures made possible will force you to leave your reserve, but especially to look at your fears opposite: You attract to you people who discover your most hidden weaknesses without difficulties.
All that is related to legality, official signatures, and important sales is seen favored during June, March and October 2013. You will have to slice fuzzy situations, to more firmly redirect your life from your initiatives.
The Mercury impulses help you to take account of the external opinions, but you will have for remaining centered as much on your personal requirements and not forgetting what is essential for you. Relativize these influences by keeping your personal course. The Saturn impulses give you accesses of impatience, of diffuse nervousness, often even without knowing why you are thus; with driving back essential needs too much, you feel frustration. Measure your actions in continuity to avoid packing you in bad directions.
You profit from the joint supports from Jupiter and Uranus, this year, which confers to you a basic vitality almost with any test. On the other hand, you will be more vulnerable to the external agitation, particularly on your work place. It will be essential more than ever to preserve your intimacy of useless harmful effects which empty you your energy.
You will be able to reconstitute your reserves in the bubble of your hearth; it will be your artful thrust, this year. The Mercury impulses also facilitate the mental relaxation through arts and of the leisure. The only shelf to be avoided will be too to give you to your work, but also of sparing your digestive system, which tends to becoming more delicate and receptive with all that is spices and existing in all kinds. The contact with the ground will be compensation with the stress of the everyday life.