Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vitamin C lowers gout risk in men

Men who take high amounts of vitamin C supplements are placed at a lower risk of developing gout, a common inflammatory joint disease.

According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the regular intake of supplements rich in vitamin C such as sprouts, peppers and oranges lowers the risk of gout in men. Those who take 1,000 - 1,499 mg vitamin C per day are reported to be at a 34 percent lower risk of developing gout.

Vitamin C alleviates the pain associated with gout by tackling the inflammatory processes and lowers uric acid levels - high levels of which form crystal deposits in and around joints, causing the pain and swelling associated with the condition.

Scientists urge individuals at risk of developing gout - overweight individuals and those taking certain medications as well as individuals who drink too much alcohol, and following an unhealthy diet high in meat -- to adopt a healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C.

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